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Born in Bologna, Italy, class 1995.

After studying advertising graphic design in high school, In 2018 I graduated in graphic design and visual communication at ISIA Urbino, a Bauhaus-inspired design university in the native city of Raffaello Sanzio in Italy.


In my academic career, I've learned much about project culture and visual perception, conceptual design and high-standard visuals. I've participated in many workshops with professionals of the fields, from Swiss poster designers to typographers. My studies were focused on fine editorial design, which led me to completely redesign the historical newspaper of Urbino city. In 2017 I completed a semester at IADE University in Lisbon, specializing in conceptual photography.


After my graduation, I left for 1 and a half year of travels through Australia and South East Asia. This experience led me to decide that I would live abroad and work remotely for the rest of my life, so I completely focused on online freelance work. 


Download the CV here.

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